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Substantial payout for shop salesman injured in fall

Robert Irons was employed at a furniture sales outlet when he noticed two of his colleagues struggling to lift a large flat pack wardrobe off a pallet to stack it on a pile of others.
He explained: “As I stood on the pallet to gain height, it gave way beneath me. I stumbled and my colleagues let go of the pack at both ends and I twisted and fell. The stack was too high. I’d complained before about the stacks being too high.” Mr Irons sustained injuries to his ankle, knee, back and ribs. He took his claim for accident injury to Rapid Solicitors. A Solicitor at Rapid said: “Lifting heavy objects is an obvious hazard. Stacking them by hand to a considerable height makes it even more hazardous. When you’re talking about flat packed furniture, the boxes can easily weigh two hundred pounds or more. Clearly in this case, there were not enough people to stack the delivery and the pile was too high.” He continued: “Employers have a responsibility to make sure there is a safe system of work and usually are quite diligent about manual handling. Now and again, common sense doesn’t prevail. We gathered the witness statements, obtained the accident book and investigated the physical evidence surrounding the accident circumstances. We gained an admission of liability from the defendants and negotiated a settlement which our client was happy with.”

The above account relates to a recent, genuine client of Rapid Solicitors. Only names and places have been changed to maintain client confidentiality. All other information, such as injuries, accident circumstances and compensation amounts are accurate.

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Rapid Solicitors is a trading name of Neil Hudgell Limited. Director – Dr Neil M. Hudgell MA LLB (Hons) LLD. Registered in England No. 7078429.
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